Indoo sp. z o.o. is based on more than twelve years of experience in the production of heating devices based on induction-accumulation technology, which have a wide range of applications from installations in private homes, through public institutions to large installations in industrial plants. The company’s aim is to offer the highest quality products and services in the heating industry. Our offer is aimed at individuals and entities that are modernising existing or building new central heating (central heating) installations. The induction-accumulation solutions of indoo sp. z o.o. are safe, durable and economical.
The production of modern boilers is not only about manufacturing, but above all about attention to detail during construction. We make sure that Distributors develop their technical background and improve their skills in the field of induction heating as part of their cooperation. We strive to ensure that each installer provides a professional installation and service. We provide advice on selecting the optimum solution for a particular installation, both in terms of convenience and cost of manufacture and use. We approach each issue individually and do not use template solutions. This is all in the interests of customer satisfaction and safety.
The advantages of working with us include, first and foremost, ongoing support at every stage of the central heating installation from design to construction to maintenance. In addition, our range of equipment demonstrates a high degree of application flexibility, the high quality of our products ensures safe operation and our team is ready to take on challenges to achieve customer satisfaction.
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